Day 55 - Outside in our forest

07/18/2012 14:28

Christina says:

We have many trees and one was very high.  I almost climbed to the top with Sarah and Caleb's help.  Joshua was sitting down there waiting.  I was the highest In the trees.  It was Fun to be in the trees .   Love, Christina


My mom left today early in the morning.  While we drove to the airport at 4:30 am I drove very slowly down our road thinking there could be deer pop out anywhere.  We drove up to two fawns in the middle of the road.  They were so cute and very slow to move.  Their mama probably forgot to tell them what to do when they see headlights!  They safely made it to the other side and mom & I were on our way.  She arrived home safely after a long day of flying and almost missing her connection in Atlanta. 


The rest of our day was just a lazy summer day.  I  sat outside with Rebecca enjoying the sun and cool breeze in the morning while the others played in the woods.  At night Sarah, Caleb and Rebecca joined the Hannaford Bible church youth group to climb Mt. Helena.  The kids had a super fun time meeting new friends.  The weather was perfect to hike but my kids did wish they had taken the harder trail like they did with Tony a few weeks ago.  As we drove home after the hike the sunset was beautiful as we drove to our house.