Day 54 - The Painted Pot

07/17/2012 23:23

Today we went to many places:

First to Goodwill to look for another puzzle.  Rebecca is hooked and wants to do another one!  After one we started in MS which was 1000 pieces I said no more 1000 piece puzzles but guess what we bought???  The smaller one didn't look as pretty or fun so now we have a huge puzzle to try.  At least Rebecca will join us in this one since she picked it out.

Next we went to the Archery place to get Sarah's bow fixed.  i had been told about this place 5 wks ago but have never make  it out there.  Now I wish we had gone sooner.  They have a place the kids can practice archery and also an outdoor trail w/ targets for members of the Club.  We will see if we join the club since we only have 6 more wks here but we can use the indoor facility for a daily fee.  The kids are excited about that!

Then we went to use a Free coupon (from riding Trolley last week) at the Carousel.  My mom even rode!  :)

Then we went to the Painted Pot to use another Freebie - paint an ornament!  I love painting although I never do it so I was excited to go.  The kids all love to paint too - again we just rarely do it.  The owner told us we could paint an ornament free or take $5 off another piece in their store.  The kids all picked a 6 in. tile to paint.  They really got into it and enjoyed it.  We were there 1.5 hours .  :)  My mom also painted a tile.  They will be fired and then we will pick them up next week.


Christina says:

I picked a tile to paint on.  I painted a pretty flower pink and they had these stencils to use.  It was really pretty.   I had to paint three coats of everything I painted.  The store had suckers for sale for a dime so we all got one.   When we get back to MS you can see my tile if you come to my birthday party.  :)   My grandma painted a smaller tile but it had a vase with flowers on it.  The end of the story.   


Bless the Lord , O  my soul.  I am really thankful for the beauty that surrounds us daily!!!