Day 46 - Friends and Fun

07/09/2012 23:03

Today in MT was actually very hot (in the 90's) but still no humidity so it was bearable. We all believe we must be closer to the sun here because it does appear that the rays are hotter.  It was just a normal day here in MT. The girls checked out a new trail and Gretchen took a walk.  Later in the day Noah a friend of the boys (who used to live in MS) called and he came up and played and ate dinner. Then after dinner he and the boys walked back to his house via  a trail and checked out an old Lime Kiln.  Then we got a call that his sister Rachel wanted Sarah and Christina to come over and play. So they all went and played there until dark.  These friends (The Jakovacs) have lots of fresh raspberries in their yard and lettuce and flowers. We have never really eaten raspberries but the kids loved them.  They had so much fun that Noah invited the boys back at 8 am tomorrow.  I think we may pass since our boys are sleeping quite late here.

Tomorrow Gretchen's mom Lois will come for a visit. Gretchen has a whole list of things to do with Grandma.  So there should be good stories for the next several days.